Orange County Crossfit

03/12/2012 18:28


False Claims 
Like many groups, including the HIT'ers of the 'previous training generation,' they have changed the accepted definition of something (fitness) to suit themselves, and then declared themselves the 'fittest athletes on earth'. (moving the goal posts). When there is an acceptable standard for this, and you can compare Crossfitters to athletes, then this claim may be supported. until then, it simply remains an assertion. False claims about Crossfit being better able to promote muscle growth than conventional bodybuilding, despite the lack of proof, or even one documented case, of this occurring. Yes, this was discussed above, but since I am lumping all false claims in here, it gets mentioned again. To know more about this check out  Orange County Crossfit
False claims that doing just the WOD could take someone from a 250 deadlift to a 500-750 deadlift in two years, despite only pulling max deads four times a year (never happened, this from an interview with Greg Glassman). This is followed by the claim that if someone call pull a 500lbs. deadlift at heart rate x, then they should be capable of pulling 750 when rested (never happened, either) (yes, yet another case of bro-science) Link. 
Glassman's insistence that he can out perform most crossfitters despite his refusal to do this. And, of course, the fact that no one has ever seen him do much of anything, and his physique leaves something to be desired. Yes, this is an ad hominem attack, and less than professional, but given Greg's long history of engaging in the same, he certainly deserves it in return. (see below) If you are going to make a claim, you better be able to back it up. I never tell anyone I am able to out run them, for the obvious reason. 
"Our warm-up is your workout!" and other false claims. Can many crossfitters do things I cannot? Of course, but how many would snap like a twig under a decent good morning? However, I am not all over the freakin' net talking about how my training program is superior. When I talk about it, it is because I am looking to improve it. Claims that crossfit "is proven by competition" yet this is born out exactly no where. Except, of course, in crossfit competitions. So when crossfitters start beating other athletes at actual sports, not just out-performing themselves at their own strength and conditioning program, then they will have something to brag about. In the real world of athletics, a S&C program is part of what gets you ready for a real sport, yet athletes around the world improve in this area every day. It is just not considered a big deal. Claims that "doing Crossfit WODs will make you competent in almost any real-world activity," yet at the Crossfit games, many CF'ers failed at swims, and some even failed at a softball throw. Not going to bother to link to the results, fairly well documented across the net.Source of Budding's claim. 
False claims with respect to the endorsement of Crossfit by the military of the US and Canada. There was only a single formal inquiry by the Navy (US NAVEDTRA devgroup) which went no where. Then claims that 'the SEALs train crossfit' were disputed by BUD/s and other trainers, which pretty much put an end to those claims. Crossfit HQ then made a pitch to the Canadian military, and they were completely rebuffed following formal study, which resulted in 'failing to meet the needs of the military on all counts, and increasing the number of injuries with respect to service members'.  For more info, visit this website.